Data is woven into every sector of the global economy and sits along with capital, hard assets and human talent as absolutely essential tools for running a successful business. In fact, the skilled use of data is becoming a new competitive advantage, providing companies with a crucial way to outperform their peers. Indeed, data use will help to create new growth opportunities in just about every industry. The skilled use of data offers the potential to enhance productivity and create significant value by reducing waste and increasing the quality of products and services.
The field of data science was created just a few years ago. The purpose of data science is simply to derive information from raw data. Unfortunately, that is often easier said than done. You first need to identify what challenges can be addressed from the skilled use of data, identify and collect the data generally from a multitude of different sources and skillfully employ a varied set of tools and interdisciplinary knowledge to extract the information sought to answer the questions posed. The process is rarely straightforward and often non-linear requiring multiple iterations. Once the required results are obtained, they often still need to be translated into solutions that address the original challenge and communicated to stakeholders in a way that can positively impact business decisions.
Polaris Nexus is a technology firm to help you navigate a successful path from raw data to actionable insight. Our name reflects our mission. Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor and stands almost motionless in the Northern sky making it an excellent fixed point for celestial navigation. Nexus is a connection or juncture, where multiple elements usually meet. Your data is the nexus for connecting all stakeholders of your business. At Polaris Nexus, we distinguish ourselves from the typical database and programming firm. We strive to understand your business and help you articulate your goals and then craft a strategy that delivers the results you require.